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Bibchens blogg

Torsdag 29 Mars 2012 - Stockholm

Vernissage på Lydmar Hotell

Väl hemkomna från Kanarieöarna till Stockholm, och direkt började kulturlivet ta fart. Efter 70-års middag med vängänget på Globens hotel - och - restaurangskola, var vi inbjudna på fotovernissage på Lydmar hotell.
En spekulativ omtalad och kontroversiell utställning som väckte allehanda tankar, vilka jag luftade med några andra inbjudna. Barn, döttrarna till fotografen, kan tyckas exponeras, men när jag fick veta, att fotografen väntat med utställningen och frågat döttrarna, när de blivit vuxna, om det var ok att visa fotona, och de sagt ja, fick utställningen en annan dimension. Jag gillar svartvita porträtt i vardagliga situationer, och fann dessa mycket uttrycksfulla och skarpa. (Se bilder)

"Dauthers" fotograf Margaret d Lange
Twelve years ago Norwegian photographer Margaret d Lange was at home looking after her two young daughters. She soon picked up her camera and began to photograph what came naturally to her - her daughters. Since then it has developed into a beautiful and highly regarded photographic series. Capturing the in carefree imaginary days of play in the garden, to voyages of discovery in local rivers and streams, she also brings us moments of aggression and tension, dressing as wild fantastic creatures in animal furs. The photographs themselves have only been exhibited since 2007 as Margaret explains, "I wanted to wait until the girls were old enough to decide for themselves whether to exhibit or not. In fact they have been the most eager." Since then the pictures have received major critical recognition as the runner up in the prestigious Leica Oskar Barnack award in 2007: "For an excellent picture story expressing the relationship of man to his environment and positively reflecting the idea of humanity in society," awarded at the Rencontres Arles festival, France. This book brings together for the first time the complete collection of images, which have been also exhibited internationally in Norway and Belgium.
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